Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Padraig Caughey- Six Visions or Icons

 From his Forum: motheofgod.com


I was shown, in prayer another place, another time; it was the South of France, Gaul many centuries ago. I saw a Roman Legion collected with the Standards in front, very imposing and war like.

I saw, very clearly the Legate seated in front at a folding down table very clearly. He was a man with a very
broad face, graying short black hair, dressed in a white toga and with a very serious, determined demeanor.
In front of the Legion were braziers with smoke rising up, ready to receive sacrifices to the Roman Emperors
and around them too, dressed in strange garments, priests of the cult, dressed bizarrely ready to witness
sacrifice to the God/Emperor. They were assembled on a military parade ground, glistening white, perhaps
limestone and large pieces of wood had been set up by the Legion to execute those who refused sacrifice to
the Emperor/God.
Ahead was a large queue of Christians who had been assembled to sacrifice to the Emperor, man women and
children, and a few soldiers. I was surprised to hear a few women crying quite loudly as I often read how
joyfully Christians went to their death. But I realized that martyrdom was not always such an easy thing for
everyone. . They were being invited to sacrifice to the Emperor, ritually three times and when they did not do
so they were at once at a nod form the Legate taken to the blocks and killed by soldiers. It was very efficient
(as, I suspect everything these Roman troops did} and the line of Christians moved forward steadily to their
This may not seem to have anything to do with the future in America at first sight and I was a little surprised
on being shown this, but pray about it; it has everything to do with the future there.
I'll write a little on why this is tomorrow. But Pray about it and you'll see for yourself, if you ask Our Lady for
the grace of insight.

In the 3rd century, the Neoplatonist philosopher Porphyry wrote:
'How can people not be in every way impious and atheistic who have apostatized from the customs of our
ancestors through which every nation and city is sustained? ... What else are they than fighters against God? '
The Theban Legion-The FIRST ICON
'In the year of Christ 286, a most remarkable affair occurred; a legion of soldiers, consisting of six thousand six
hundred and sixty‐six men, contained none but Christians. This legion was called the Theban Legion, because
the men were Egyptian Christian Copts who had been recruited from and stationed in Thebias in Upper Egypt.
The Theban Legion were quartered in the east until the emperor Maximian ordered them to march to Gaul, to
assist him against the rebels of Burgundy. It was the custom of the Romans to move troops from extreme
parts of the empire to avoid the problem of Roman‐trained soldiers participating in uprisings to free their
native lands.
It should be noted here that the Egyptians or the Copts accepted Christianity so very rapidly to the extent that
the Romans had to exercise a series of persecutions in an attempt to suppress the growth of a religion which
openly defied the divinity of the Emperor. The Roman Edict of 202 A.D. decreed that Christian conversion
should be stopped at all costs. The edict of 250 A.D. decreed that every citizen should carry at all times a
certificate issued by the local authorities testifying that he had offered sacrifice to the gods. Those who
refused to conform were tortured with unprecedented ferocity. Some were beheaded, others were thrown to
the lions and others were burnt alive. All were subjected to even innovated veracious torture regardless of age
or sex. The Catechetical School of Alexandria was closed by order of the authorities, though its members
continued to meet in other secret places. At one time, the number of bishops was restricted by the State to
three. The consummation of the age of persecution is considered by the Copts to be during the reign of
Emperor Diocletian (284‐305). So severe was the mass execution and the savage torture of the Copts that they
took the day of DiocIetian's military election as Emperor to mark the beginning of the era of the Coptic
martyrs. That very day marked the start of the Coptic Calendar known in the Western world as Anno
Martyrum (A.M.) or the year of the Martyrs.
The area around Thebes has always enjoyed a reputation for its strong, almost fanatical, Christianity. The first
monks in the Christian tradition, known as "The Desert Fathers," contained a majority of Thebans, and Theban
Christians celebrate many martyrs who have refused to yield their faith to the many persecutions in the first
centuries of the church.
The Theban Legion passed through the Alps into Gaul, under the command of Mauritius, Candidus, and
Exupernis, their worthy commanders, and at length joined the emperor. About this time, Maximian ordered a
general sacrifice, at which the whole army was to assist; and likewise he commanded that they should take
the oath of allegiance and swear, at the same time, to assist in the extirpation of Christianity in Gaul. Alarmed
at these orders, each individual of the Theban Legion absolutely refused either to sacrifice or take the oaths
prescribed. This so greatly enraged Maximian that he ordered the legion to be decimated, that is, every tenth
man to be selected from the rest, and put to the sword. The names of the soldiers were written on papers and
placed in the caps of the centurions, for 600 were destined to perish as examples. These embraced their
comrades, who encouraged them and even envied their fate. The plain soon flowed with the blood of the
martyrs. The survivors persisted in declaring themselves Christians, and the butchery began again; the blood
of another 600 reddened the waters of the Rhone. This second severity made no more impression than the
first had done; the soldiers preserved their fortitude and their principles, but by the advice of their officers
they drew up a loyal remonstrance to the emperor. This, it might have been presumed, would have softened
the emperor, but it had a contrary effect: for, enraged at their perseverance and unanimity, he commanded
that the whole legion should be put to death, which was accordingly executed by the other troops, who cut
them to pieces with their swords, September 22, 286. The Maximian period is known as the Sixth Primitive
Persecution in Fox's Book of Martyrs. During this persecution, raised by Maximinus, numberless Christians
were slain without trial, and buried indiscriminately in heaps, sometimes fifty or sixty being cast into a pit
together, without the least decency. '

Our Blessed Lady explains that I will be shown nine icons or pictures of the future.
She invites, as each one is revealed, that her children may, themselves interpret and understand their meanings.

The first six.
......and three to follow.....at a future time.
The first declared (the Theban Legion)and five more...the three to follow at a time when the entire history of the United
will appear rewritten

I stand in a Catholic Church in America.
It is wooden, clap board and seems small to me. But,I suppose, is no less small than small of the country Churches in
My attention is, at once drawn, to the fact that the tabernacle door is open and the Our Blessed Lord is not,
Eucharistically present in the Church.
I look and see...and I realise, throughout America there is no Eucharistic presence ; I see hundreds of Churches...but Our
Lord is not present anywhere......
I look towards the front of the Church and a lady lies dead…
she wore a brown dress...I think Paisley or floral design beautiful black hair and holding a golden pyx on her outstretched
right hand..............
The vision changes to another Catholic Church...I am surprised to see a Church in the USA so old........at first I think I am
in the country, but I am not, I am in the city and as I look at the Church I realise ,here, too the Tabernacle Door is open,
Christ is not present.....
I see all over America ...Christ is no longer present...
...and as I look at the front of the Church men marching....they look , they claim to be Federal Police....but they are not....
I see the Houses of Government.
On all sides I see the Representatives filled with a bitter, bitter, bitter, killing fury; they hate and despise each other...
They are very, very bitterly divided, no longer brother and sisters they ARE NO LONGER ONE.
I see them with raised fist, poised to strike.
I see a very special man...i t seems to me a country man....I see him clearly......he leads a very large part out of the
halls........many will call it Rebellion.... but he leads them away........the Union is Divided.....brother against brother,, town
against town, State against State.
I see many hands raised to the Stars and Stripes, each...to claim it as their own, but as they reach out the flag is
Civil War
At least the Americans will have the courage to fight. I don’t like violence, the older I get the less I like wars, but, then
again the Catholic Church does not teach pacifism.
The gentleman who leads the senior statesmen out of the Hall, one day in the future statues will be erected to him, he
will be considered another Lincoln.
It would be nice to think we might have someone here in Ireland, but I have my doubts...who would we have here like
him? A great leader. I wonder who he is? I must have a look on the internet and see if I can find him...but I think he will
rise up and is not currently well known, a very good and brave man, as indeed are his fellow States people who walk out
of the Hall with him. It’s wonderful how God can raise people up for the occasion. May God raise in Ireland, when the
time comes folk of similar stature.
Americans will have a name for this occasion when they walk out, it is a divide a parting of the ways...brother will raise
hand against brother, daughter against mother....town against town neighbourhood against neighbourhood. ...but you
know some times I wonder if the worst thing is to fight...might it not be worst simply to accept things and lie down and
not to fight?
For myself I more inclined to turn to prayer and trust in God. Though it is easy to see, that when people defend that
which they hold most dear, their faith and freedom …well how they could be filed with fury. It is very sad...I think of
The Fourth Icon.
I was shown the United States as being like the most beautiful crystal bowl, whole and looking like it will last forever.
However on looking closer I was shown that it had deep cracks running right through its very soul and it was on the very
point of fragmenting.
After the dissolution of the Union, which is shown in the third icon, the pace of events and persecution of Christians
...and Catholics moves so quickly from area to area that it seems impossible to keep up with. However alliances between
States and regions sometimes remain solid and firm. So between Three States, Seven states and Four states which will
for each combination provide a great shelter for those of Faith. One of these alliances however will include non‐
Americans from the Pacific region.
I know how unlikely this seems, but folks do not realise that the whole world is about to change, from top to bottom.
So in much of the Future of the USA will be a struggle between Faith and those who have abandoned Faith and turned to
outright evil.
I will not really defend myself, folks will ever believe or not as they want...
But as Darell says what I write about is mirrored in USA media at the minute and I can only say as Darrell wrote …and
others this is a Sign that the 5th Icon is true.
Finally another problem; I am not an American; I am Irish. Why then am I publishing on the Future of America? Would it
not have been better if God had Chosen an American? In fact are not these icons anti‐ American?...and am I not myself
anti‐ American, leading folks to worry and despair?
I have no answer as to why Our Blessed Lady chose me for this, these icons will, as they are realised become very, very,
very famous. But they ARE icons they do not invite comment, only prayer. Our Lady has explained to me that those who
wish to understand should simply kneel at her feet. The 5th Icon has two parts, both related and requires deep prayer for discernment.

I stand above a freeway looking down. All the automobiles are stopped in place it looks like a car park. I go down. The
automobiles are covered in dust it reminds me of a car I saw in the scrap yard years ago...these vehicles have stayed
here many, many years....decades....I go inside one...the tapestry inside it is so old it is very, very brittle, so old
everything I touch crumbles.
I look outside the windscreen which is just green with age and see the city far down the road... I do not of course
recognise it...but I hope someone will, there is the most unusual tower but it is a bit like a onion on top flattened, very

The second part of the icon is extraordinary. I have thought about it for weeks, but cannot understand, however I think
this is how the automobiles got stuck.
I see a very wide valley and above it a sphere in the sky. It travels very slowly and majestically along a kind of dull red.
But as it travels everything, trees bits of ground, people are attracted up to it......it seems to be an agent of great, great,
great destruction...

 Last Icon.
(The Icon of Comfort}

I stood in a very small wooden Church, it could hardly have been much larger than my class room at school, composed
entirely, it looked like of simple wood with no real decoration. Our Lady stood at the front of the Church dressed
unusually but very beautifully. She wore a flowing dress of deepest blue, almost black. Over it was like a white lace
through which you could see the dress the colour of the sky just before it turns to night. On the dress were like pearls or
stars that shone on and off slowly and beautifully. On her head was a flowing white mantle, something between a shawl
and a wimple a little like this...

She gestured with one hand toward the open door at the side of the little Church and in her other hand was a set of
rosary beads, like the most beautiful pearls. As I looked out the door I realsied that this was the very heart of a little
Catholic Community that the Church was the heart of the community and that the Church , the community had become
the Heart of America. That it had returned in a way to its roots in faith and rediscovered itself in great simplicity and
prayerfulness. It reminded me a little of Laura Engles series of books, if you recall, 'Little house on the Prairie' Or, I
suppose, 'The Waltons' But a simplicity born of deep ,deep faith.
The following was impressed on me. that love for country; love for anything, wife , husband, neighbour, self can only
spring from love of God. Anything, including love of country that does not find its source in this wellspring is vain. But
that so long as men love God, America will always exist and always be free. That however America as a Nation finds its
source not in a Constitution or on laws or law makers but on this love for God and so long as men love God America will
always exist. Men may give way to despair as they see what they falsely conceive America to be to Fall, but America will
never truly Fall for while men love God America will always exist...though not in its present form.

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