Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Padraig Caughey-Mary leads into Battle

 From his Forum: motheofgod.com

The Second Spring time.
Revival and resurgence 1978 to the Present Day.
Every Nation like every soul, fights her won Battles with her own weapons, each unique to her own Destiny and Vocation
in the heart of God. Though some are similar each is individual for that countries calling.
The century in which as Satan had been unleashed, at his won request from Hell had seen him return in great fullness of
power to vaunt his full fury right across the globe, wars followed wars, concentration camps and mass murders, huge
famines and the greatest apostasy form Faith that the world had ever seen. Though much that he did in the terrible
bloody 20th century was contrived in secret much that he did was achieved openly by agents, little antiChrists who
made no secret of their evil and vile intents:
Satan, like a brilliant general arranged his armies in battle to suit the corruption soul of the Nation he wished to traduce.
In the case of the United States circumstances dictated he push forward the struggle in great secrecy and stealth by
hidden means, to corrupt from within. Like a great ravening lion he hid behind bushes luring his prey closer with
promises and bribes seeking second Judases amidst those who should have been shepherds and who should have been
the very first to raise the sound of alarm and lead the fight to battle.
As the 20th century drew to close so too did the allotted period for Satan's great temptation and battle wind to its end
and the forces of heaven under the leadership of Mary go forth to battle.
In fact we can trace perhaps the very point were the tide of battle began to change.
On the 16 October 1978 with the election of Karol Józef Wojtyła as Pope John Paul II to the second longest Papacy in the
entire history of the Church; and the inauguration of the modern Marian Age of apparitions with the return of Our
Blessed Lady, in direct intervention , the Marian Era which Pope Benedict himself spoke of as a , 'Marian Age of
apparitions'. Pope John Paul, the Great, himself talking of a 'Second Spring time', for the Church.
This revival is a mystical reality and it’s a mistake I think to seek too closely human causes. The fight is fought in the
heavens, through its instruments on Earth, as Saint Paul reminds us:
Eph. 6:12 "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the
darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high [places]."
..and in Revelation:
Revelation 12:7‐12
...and it is because the war of Satan in the USA has been fought in secret that the straws of change, of this New
Springtime are perhaps sometimes harder to see than they are, for instance in Eastern Europe and Russia with the
downfall of the Red Dragon of Communism, but there they are in there thousands and millions, the green buds of a
great Marian Spring and in my next post we shall look a little closer at these buds in our own days as turn to look with
great hope and the help of Our Blessed Mother at what the Future holds for the USA.was shown, in prayer another place, another time; it was the South of France, Gaul many centuries ago. I saw
a Roman Legion collected with the Standards in front, very imposing and war like.

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