Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Communism and Fatima and the Orthodox

The Ukrainian mystic Josyp Terelya wrote in his book ‘Body and Blood’ regarding communism and Russia,
 “In 1988…an amazing book by Tatiana Goricheva called Talking about God is Dangerous.
She first heard of Fatima at a Catholic Ecumenical seminar in Leningrad where ‘some of us went to pray the rosary on Wednesdays; from our Catholic friends we learned for the first time of the appearance of the Mother of God at Fatima and what she said there about Russia.  That not only made us glad, but also gave us a feeling of enormous responsibility; the fate of the whole world depends on the fate of Christianity in Russia.”
The Mother of God of Fatima prophesied so accurately and so lovingly that Russia would spread a diabolical doctrine in the world, but would finally rise…and again become Holy Russia and the house of the All-Holy Mother of God.

Communism is the moral enemy of God and man.
 It is atheistic and intrinsically evil. 
Communism is the total negation of everything that the Catholic Church ever stood for: justice, human rights, freedom of religion, personal freedom and legitimate governments.  
It claims to promote a ‘classless society’ but actually functions as a dictatorship of despots who exploit the toiling masses more viciously than any other tyrannical ruling class in the history of the world.

From a platform of absolute oppression, Communism unceasingly tries to mold the thinking of its victims.  Communism has been provoking and conducting wars of oppression.  In China alone Communism has slaughtered more than 60 million innocent people.  There have been more Christian martyrs in Communist countries than in all history before the advent of Communism. 

The Church can no longer remain silent.  By default we are contributing to the enslavement of millions whose future is bondage without hope.  You cannot be a Christian and a Communist. 

You cannot enter into détente with the devil.  A Christian cannot be an accomplice to terrorism.

     In Russia itself, the Orthodox religion is alive but tightly controlled by the government. In 1990, the Soviet Communist Party had only 17 million members, whereas Russian Christians total 70 million.  A man well informed about the struggle between Christianity and Marxism-Leninism over the past quarter of a century is Alexander Solzhenitsyn, the great Russian writer.  He grew up under communism and as an atheist and a science teacher, he accepted the party line.  It was only after he was imprisoned (for joking about Stalin) that he turned to Christianity.

     Though labeled “political prisoners”, he explains “Christians knew they were in prison for their faith. “  Sixty six million died in prison camps, he calculates, 25 percent of the total Soviet population.
         Solzhenitsyn, like myself, sees a need for the West—America in particular—to remain strong.  Some of the things hurting America are: moral permissiveness, weakness in the country’s diplomacy, the lack of religious faith, and the false judgments in the press.  For 25 years he has cried: Russia needs freedom of religion; America needs religion. 

     The first dictatorship was started by Lenin and Stalin in 1917, when they overthrew the Menshevik Party in power in Russia; five years later  this was followed in Europe by Mussolini, who did the same with Fascism in Italy, soon to be followed by Adolf Hitler, who did the same with the Nazi Party in Germany.  All three came into power due to the unbelievable negligence of peoples all over the world who failed to stand up for faith in God, for human lives and human rights.

         The fact that we have reached this current level in our nuclear age with its so-called scientific advances might be seen as the reason for the fourth and decisive event of the 20th century, which started also in 1917, at Fatima, when Our Lady demanded repentance of a sufficient number of people as a condition for prevention of nuclear war and a time of peace to mankind.  If enough of us had obeyed her requests at that time, World War II would have been prevented.

         The Swiss newspaper Schweizerisches Katholisches Sonntagsblat, reported the final days of Nocolai Lenin, widely regarded as the “father” of Communism.  It is interesting to note how he died.  He was well-known for his denial of God and fought against religion while challenging the existence of the immortal soul.

         Due to an incurable illness, Lenin lost his mind eighteen months prior to his death.  Since this fact was bad publicity for the Russian government, it was hidden from the people for months.  When they finally admitted the terminal nature of his illness, they gave the cause as “overwork”. 

         His death had a seemingly diabolical nature.  A whimpering and crying Lenin was confined for days to his bed or his wheelchail.  During the night such horrible howling could be heard from his room which antagonized the watchdogs to such a point that they howled along, and even dogs in the neighboring villages joined in.  The watchdogs had to be killed. 

         The castle in the town of Gorki, where Lenin was located, was patrolled by police day and night.  It looked like a besieged fortress.  His comrades stayed away, and only his wife and two nurses cared for him.  He knew no one.  His body started to rot three months prior to his death.  Finally, only nuns would take care of him.  The nuns were stationed in a not-yet-liquidated cloister outside Moscow.  On January 21, 1924 Lenin died.  German specialists had the delicate task of embalming his almost totally-decayed body.

         January 21, 1924 Lenin died.  German specialists had the delicate task of embalming his almost totally-decayed body. 

         But with Lenin’s death Communism did not end, for, once again, we are standing at the turning point of history.  The fate of mankind hangs in the balance.  We must stop compromising with Communism.  We must no longer indulge in the perversion of providing money and moral support for Communistic ventures.  We must reassert the meaning of Christianity against Communistic atheism. 

Communists with neckties are merely smarter, but not less dangerous than Communists in Mao jackets.

         After 25 years of Communist oppression on Mainland China, a bell of freedom was sounded on April 6, 1976 in Peking when 100,000 Chinese at the Gate of Heavenly Peace Square (Tien  An Men) opposed publicly the Communist Government.  They were the forerunners of other millions of Chinese people all over the Mainland China now rebelling against the Communist regime.

         In the news on May 13, 1989, Beijing, China, it was reported:  “More than 1,000 university students began a hunger strike tonight, calling for democracy and pressing their demand for political reform, personal liberty, and an end to government corruption.”  Was this related to Fatima?

         Hope lasted another three weeks.  Then the Peoples’ Liberation Army fired on the people, killing many and burning the remains with macabre efficiency.  The world was shocked by the bloody massacre in Tiananmen Square, June 3-4, 1989, then stunned by the “big lie” national Chinese leaders attempted to perpetrate by stating that events witnessed by millions never happened, that not one student had died.  The hideous face of Communism showed itself once more. 

         The official doctrine of Marxism-Leninism states that it is the duty of every citizen to fight against religion.  From this point of view Marxism-Leninism is not a political doctrine but a world –view to explain reality while (much more sinister) claiming the sole valid explanation.

         It has long been known that the zeal and dedication of the atheists of Russia and their world-followers in opposing and destroying religion often puts us Christians to shame.  Advancing the claim “There is no God!” by every means possible (including Martyrdom if necessary) these atheists make a “religion” out of a non-religion. 

         The Marxist system in effect creates what would be considered as two separate classes of citizens: those who follow the “state religion” of atheism, and those who do not.  And the latter must pay dearly.  Religious believers in Russia cannot enter civil service as teachers or officials, and are either denied entrance to the universities of impeded by difficulties in entering.  They also remain excluded from all civic activities except voting and military service, unless they keep their beliefs to themselves. 

         The Soviet struggle to eradicate religion in Russia has not only failed but proved to be useless waste of enormous energy.  The men behind today’s religious awakening (in the Soviet Union) are not nostalgic for the old days under the Czars, nor are they men with personal problems which spur them to mysticism.  For the most part they are men who have lived in a socialist state since infancy but who have not sidestepped the problem of the origin and purpose of life: they have found the answer in Christ.

         St. John Bosco’s prophecy could be beginning to come true.  The Saint understood from his vision that the second turning aside of the Red menace would be a far greater victory than that of Lepanto in 1571.  And he was told by Our Lady it would happen in the 20th Century!

         The three children of Fatima had been given three secrets.  Most individuals are aware of the first secret and have heard a great deal about the third one.  The former concerned a vision of Hell.  On July 13, 1917, Our Lady, having told the children to make sacrifices for sinners, gave them a vision of Hell.

…When the terrified children looked to Our Lady for help, she said, “You have seen hell where the souls of poor sinners go.  In order to save them, God wishes to establish in the world devotion to my Immaculate Heart.  If you do what I tell you, many souls will be saved.”

         The second secret concerns Russia.
   When Communism was still only a brainchild, on July 13, 1917, Our Lady appeared for the third time to the children, giving them the second secret, she said:

“…I shall come to ask the consecration of Russia to my Immaculate heart and the Communion of reparation on the First Saturdays.  If my requests are heeded, Russia will be converted and there will be peace.  If not, she will scatter her errors throughout the world provoking further wars and persecution of the Church.  The good will be martyred, the Holy Father will have much to suffer and various nations will be annihilated.”
         Thats it!  The problem and the solution all in the second secret!  This may have been the most significant prophecy every made by Our Lady in private revelation.  Read the above paragraph once again! Ponder what Our Lady has asked for. Consider what she said would be the result of a response or non-response to her requests.  Consecration of Russia to my Immaculate Heart AND Communions of reparation on First Saturdays.  Has the First Saturday devotion been a part of your life?  If not, perhaps you are not giving Our Lady what she requested. 

         …Twelve years later, in 1929 , eight months after Lucia’s profession in the convent at Pontevedra, Spain (which occurred in October, 1928) Lucia received one of the greatest of all her visions in which Our Lady said: “The moment has come for God to ask the Holy Father to make, in union with all the Bishops of the world, the consecration of Russia to my Immaculate Heart.  He promises to save Russia by this means.”

         However---and this is important---in letters written by Sr. Lucia in the 1930’s, she makes it clear that reparation to the Immaculate Heart of Mary is necessary.  This practice of reparation is ultimately intended to bring about the conversion of Russia through the collegial consecration.  The delay in accomplishing this was related to INSUFFICIENT REPARATION.

         The kind of reparation specifically referred to in the secrets and visions of Fatima were praying the Rosary, wearing the Scapular, and Communion on the Five First Saturdays.  There are two reasons why everyone would want to make the Five First Saturdays (which include praying the Rosary and wearing the Scapular):

         First, Our Lady promises to anyone who makes the Five Saturdays her presence at the hour of death, with all the graces needed for salvation.  This promise adds a great deal to the promise which Our Lord made for the Nine First Fridays in horror of the Sacred Heart.  In addition to promising us heaven, Our Lady promises us the grace of dying well.  She promises her presence at the hour of death!

         All who lead good lives have a reasonable assurance of going to Heaven, but how wonderful it is to have the assurance of dying well…of dying in the arms of Mary…of being presented into the presence of God by His Mother!

         The second reason why we should make the five First Saturdays is that our Lady promised by this means to bring about the conversion of Russia and an end to the world crisis.

         Reparation to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, besides redressing the offences and blasphemies against Our Lady, is intended to avoid the evils which would result from the non-conversion of Russia.  On August 29, 1931, Lucia wrote,

 “The consecration will be done but it will be late.  Russia will already have spread her errors throughout the world.”

         When Lucia asked our Lord in 1936 why He would not convert Russia without this difficult form of consecration, He answered,
“Because I want all the Church to recognize his consecration as a triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, so that this devotion will then be extended and placed beside devotion to My Divine Heart.”

Lucia implies that the consecration will not have a talismanic effect on Russia: rather, it will be a “sign” of the conversion of that nation.  Our Lord and Our Lady must be responding to the many thousands of prayers, sacrifices, and countless Holy Hours and All-Night Vigils and the collegial consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.  We have the positive assurance of the great promise of Mary.  We have the positive assurance of the great promise of ultimate victory: 

“In the end, my Immaculate Heart will triumph….and there will be an era of peace.”
         On June 12, 1930, Lucia wrote:
     “Our Lord promises that the persecution in Russia will end if the Holy Father deigns to make, together with all the Bishops of the Catholic world, a solemn public act of reparation and consecration of Russia to the Most Holy Hearts of Jesus and Mary.”
         In a letter Lucia wrote to her spiritual director on July 15, 1940, she said:
         “The conversion of Russia will be done, but not for the moment.  God wants it this way for the present to punish the world for its crimes.  We deserve it.  Afterwards He will listen to our humble prayers.”
We are also told how we will recognize the “conversion of Russia”: the persecution will cease.  This could be NOW…if we pray enough.


Volodimir--by Josyp Terelya from his book: Body and Blood


The year was 1983, I was in a penal camp. One day I got to know an unusual prisoner, a former Soviet army officer. 

His name was Volodimir and he hailed from east Siberia where he was raised in an orphanage. His Ukrainian parents, from Poitava, died during the great artificial famine that was orchestrated by the Masons/Communists of USSR.

Volodimir was an interesting fellow and we engaged in endless conversations. There was only one trait that irked me and that was his hostility to God.

Time passed.

One day, both of us were punished by being suspended in chains from the ceiling. It was a painful torture. It usually led to shoulders becoming dislocated because of the pull exerted by the dangling body.

Both of us got a 24-hour sentence. 

We hung together in the same cell.

After about an hour of this, Volodimir begged and pleaded with the guards. He was ready to do anything they asked of him. 

For me, this was not the first time, so I hung on in silence. They let him down. He was a wreck.

Volodimir could not understand why I wouldn’t give in. All through the hanging, he kept glancing in amazement at my silence.

----Don’t you hate them?

----Why aren’t’ you cursing them?

After this event, his attitude did an about-face.

He asked me for a Bible that I had kept hiding. Shortly after that, Volodimir was moved out of my cell. 

Several months passed.

I met Volodimir again during one of the routine gatherings of prisoners. 

----“Can I become a Christian?” he asked.

Several weeks later he was baptized by Father Anton.

After this, like many converts, Volodimir would openly speak about Christ. He also started writing poems and songs about Jesus and Mary. This was a marked departure from his previous behavior. Volodimir was a typical military type who had exhibited little literary inclinations.

All this changed dramatically. It led to escalating problems with camp authorities. 

On one occasion, Volodimir brought me a poem about the Virgin Mary. It was beautiful. It had touched me more than any I had previously read.

Soon after that Volodimir became subjected to a barrage of harsh persecutions. He was put in solitary confinement. This only increased his output of poems about Jesus and Mary.

The authorities responded by breaking and mangling his right hand. He never recovered its use.

Volodimir switched to using his left hand. 

Tragedy followed. Two degenerate Russians, Lieutenant Saburov and Captain Litvinov, thrust his left arm into a woodchopper. It was ripped off at shoulder level.

Volodimer was handless but the Lord did not leave him. 

Volodimer’s strength grew with the horrors of his ordeals.

It was incredible to see a man, who had not been able to tolerate one hour of hanging from the ceiling, transformed into a being who feared nothing and who bore no rancor for his enemies.

One day I was released from solitary and was about to be discharged from that particular camp.

Near the door I was met by a smiling Volodimir. Between clenched teeth, he held a paper with a new song. It was titled, “Oh Jesus Come to Me”. 

This song was written by brother Volodimir with a pencil held between his teeth. A month later I left the prison with his song.

I never saw him again.He died in prison.

Whenever I think of him, his song rises hauntingly within me.

Oh Jesus Come to Me

Don’t leave me, Jesus, do not leave me
I’m frightened, without you, on this path
The night is not a time to be alone
The forest dark to cross
Jesus, my pathfinder, be always with me

From early years I stumbled 
You helped me when I fell
Guardian, in this world of wrongs and woes
I need your firm supporting hand
Don’t leave me, Jesus, do not leave me

A clashing cymbal am I
When love of others in not in me
The spark of life is love
Without You dark prevails
Be my fire, Jesus, be my fire

From early years I stumbled
You helped me as I fell
Teacher, in this world of wrongs and woes
I need your saving truth
Don’t leave me, Jesus, do not leave me

The enemy his arrows shoot
My life in peril lies
Without You as my shield
I never will survive
Protector, stay you by my side.