Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Put on your 'wow, I didn't know that!' hat

  is the document that was originally drawn up after the congress of Vienna, in 1819-1820 by the French, Austrian, German and Italian Grand Masters of the Masonic Lodges of Europe.  It is the document that describes how they are going to undermine and destroy the Catholic Church. It was leaked to the Vatican during the reign of Pope Leo XIII and he made it public. In part it reads:

                    …we must turn our attention to an ideal that has always, been of concern to men aspiring to the regeneration of all mankind…the liberation of the entire world and the establishment of the republic of brotherhood and world peace…Among the many remedies, there is one which we must never forget: …the total annihilation of Catholicism and even of Christianity…What we must wait for is a pope suitable for our purposes…because, with such a pope, we could effectively crush the Rock on which God built his Church…Seek a pope fitting our description…induce the clergy to march under your banner in the belief that they are marching under the papal banner…make the younger, secular clergy, and even the religious, receptive to our doctrines.  Within a few years, this same younger clergy will, of necessity, occupy responsible positions…Some will be called upon to elect a future pope.  This pope, like most of his contemporaries, will be influenced by those…humanitarian principles which we are now circulating…The medieval alchemists lost both time and money to realize the dream of the “Philosopher’s Stone”…The dream of the secret societies [to have a pope as their ally] will be made real for the very simple reason that it is founded on human passions…

     First, you have to understand that the Masons of that time could not get a strong hold on Poland. It was too Catholic. They actually had to take their lodges out because no one would cooperate!  Because of this, it was decided that a propaganda campaign would be the order of the day. The motto ‘Nothing good can come out of Poland’ was the mantra.  In this way they would marginalize the people of Poland and slowly they would have no respect of the people of Europe.  They would plan to do away with Poland and integrate its country equally among leading neighbors.  

     It was Pope Leo XIII who had had the vision that God and Satan had a conversation regarding the downfall of the Catholic Church.  Exactly 33 years to the day prior to the great Miracle of the Sun in Fatima, that is, on October 13, 1884, Pope Leo XIII had the remarkable vision. When the aged Pontiff had finished celebrating Mass in his private Vatican Chapel, attended by a few Cardinals and members of the Vatican staff, he suddenly stopped at the foot of the altar. He stood there for about 10 minutes, as if in a trance, his face ashen white. Then, going immediately from the Chapel to his office, he composed the prayer to St. Michael, with instructions it be said after all Low Masses everywhere. When asked what had happened, he explained that, as he was about to leave the foot of the altar, he suddenly heard voices - two voices, one kind and gentle, the other guttural and harsh. They seemed to come from near the tabernacle. As he listened, he heard the following conversation:
The guttural voice, the voice of Satan in his pride, boasted to Our Lord:
"I can destroy your Church."
The gentle voice of Our Lord:
"You can? Then go ahead and do so."
"To do so, I need more time and more power."
Our Lord:
"How much time? How much power?
"75 to 100 years, and a greater power over those
who will give themselves over to my service."
Our Lord:
"You have the time, you will have the power.
Do with them what you will."

Let us think about this for a minute.  This happened in 1884.  The devil said he needed 75 to100 years.  Well, 75 years from 1884 is 1959. 
 Wow, what a coincidence that it was on January 25, 1959, that John the XXIII publicly summoned the Second Vatican Council.
Remember that after the vision, Pope Leo XIII immediately wrote the Prayer to St. Michael to help us overcome the devil in his quest.  He instructed that it be said after every low Mass.   

     Following the death of Pope Leo XIII on July 20,1903, the papal Conclave narrowly avoided fulfilling the dream of the Permanent Instruction and electing  Mariano Cardial Rampolla del Tindaro—the Vatican Secretary of State and an inducted member of the Masonic Lodge—as Pope and Vicar of Christ.  In fact, Rampolla did actually receive the required number of votes.  BUT Jan Cardinal Puzyna of Krakow, which was then part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire—exercised the veto power enjoyed at that moment by His Imperial Master, Franz Josef of Austria.  Franz Josef knew of Rampolla’s Masonic identity, but he probably had as many politico-financial as religious reasons for excluding Rampolla from the Roman See.  

     It took seven more voting sessions before the Cardinal Electors chose the sixty-eight year old Giuseppe Melchiorre Cardianl Sarto of Venice, who chose the papal name of Pius X (now Saint Pius X). 

  "On Sarto’s election as Pope, the scramble of high official in the Austrian monarchy was almost as comic as it was tragic, as they scurried to destroy all certificates and records that might reveal the Polish origins of Pius X.  You see, Sarto was not the new Pope’s original last name. His parents fled Poland to Italy and had changed their name before he was born!"    

        So, God deigned to bless the world with a Polish saintly Pope to start the twentieth century and a Polish saintly Pope to end the twentieth century (Blessed Pope John Paul the Great)!   Much to the frustration of the Masons. 

     If we look to the end of the Twentieth Century at the reign of Pope John Paul II we see the Church wounded and falling apart at his feet. There are the mishaps of Vatican II, the disintegration of the rituals of the faith, the undermining of the seminaries, the apostasy of the religious and the faithful. In Malachi Martin’s book, “The Keys of this blood”, he says John Paul II saw the circle of the Masonic footprint.  He saw the New World Order being formed.  He saw two key players. One being the Globalist/Bankers of the West,  and Russia, controlled by Mikhail Gorachov.  Their plan was the same. 

     The plan consisted of the reunification of Germany into the Western Europe. The integration of the former Eastern European Soviet Satellites into Europe and then they must become ‘working parts’ of the new ‘European Architecture’.  Then market economics must be introduced. 
The U.S.S.R. under Gorbachov had to find a bridge between the Soviet centralized economy and the normal market economy.  That was the essence of ‘perestroika’. 

                        Josef Terelya, who was imprisoned for his faith for
                          22 years the Russian gulags until 1985 said,
                       “Not one person in the Government lost his job.
                      To the world it is a new and better place, but it is not.
                      It is a wolf in sheep’s clothing. Perestroika is a farce” 

     The Baltic States, Georgia and certain Soviet republics will have to concede from the U.S.S.R. ; but the ultimate aim would be a ‘Europe from the Atlantic to the Urals over to Vladivostk on the sea of Japan. Gorbachov was free to move his pawns, reconfigure, relocates and reconstructs to advance his geo-political agenda those countries that were held hostage by the U.S.S.R.  He counted on the patience and forbearance of the U.S. Administration and being master of the fate of the Eastern and Central European states Mikhail Gorbachov could push for the ultimate  (and not very far off) integration of his reconstructed U.S.S.R. into the ‘greater European Economic space.’  Although his goals were obvious to some people, most people were duped. 

     If the 90’s were the decade of Europe, the 21st Century was the emergence of the Pacific Rim.  It would integrate the North American Union and become part of the ‘Great Grid’.  The geo-political Earth would be complete. 
      After the Conference of European Security at Helinski  George Bush Sr. met with Mikhail Gorbachov and ratified & signed two treaties concerning strategic missiles & forces.  That autumn the two Germanys would be formally reunified and made one state. 
      Actually, in fact, Mikhail Gorbachov had never ceased to promote & cherish his own Grand Design: The Leninist-Marxism plan.  It would prevail over capitalism.  There would be a ‘crucial moment---a naked & open declaration of intent on his part.

      John Paul II saw this. He understood what was coming. He also understood that he was the third contender in this drama.  And as Vicar of Christ’s Church he would not compete in Economics and Finance, or in raw politics. His weapons were those of the spirit!  The areas of man’s minds and wills.  He worked the floor.  He realized he was not the originator or the developer, but merely the Servant of  the Grand Design he claimed was God’s alone. He said, “The New World Order ‘will not and cannot succeed.   

     The goal of the NWO as described by Helmut Kohl, who was Chancellor of Germany at that time, “…had a Jeffersonian goal that the West could easily identify with;  Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness”.   Unfortunately, their idea of Life was Gross National Product and goods.  Liberty was the freedom to do whatever one wished.  Happiness was living protected against poverty in a clean, environment, with adequate medical coverage and access to labor saving and pleasure making devices of sophisticated technology. In principle: Leninist Marxism offered all that and more.  It was candy coated communism. 

     John Paul felt that it would all end in catastrophe.  He said, “The design is built on the presumption that we ourselves are the authors of our destiny.  There is no reason for morality, individual rights or equality.  The dignity and human decency is gone.”
He went on to say that “At last, the powers of the “West has oriented their minds and energies toward the East—if only now they acknowledged the role of Mary!”  

     His love and understanding of Mary’s role in God’s plan was plain to see. His entire pontificate was dedicated to the Mother of God.  He studied her, he wrote books about her, and every speech he wrote he asked for her intercession. 

     When he was shot in Vatican square at the exact moment of the anniversary of the apparitions of Fatima it woke him up to the fact that as a contender in the Grand design he had overlooked something.  He sent for the message of Fatima while he was recuperating in the hospital. He pored over papers, he brought in experts and sent an emissary to Fatima to talk to Sr. Lucia; the only survivor of the three children.  From reading the message again and again he posed the question to Sister Lucia.  “Is it too late to make the consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart?”  All the other Popes before him had found one excuse after another not to make it.  Now he saw the consequences of them not doing it.  

 Our Lady of Fatima said, “the emergence of Russia as a world power which would "spread its errors (including Communism) throughout the world ...  raising up wars and persecutions against the Church"; The Message of Fatima also predicted that if the requests of the Virgin Mary at Fatima are not honored, many souls will be lost, "the Holy Father will have much to suffer", there will be further wars and persecutions of the Church and "various nations will be annihilated." The annihilation of nations predicted at Fatima has not yet occurred, but many fear that it will soon happen, given the growing immorality and corruption of the world.”

     Sister Lucia’s answer was that it was too late to stop the catastrophes from happening. But they could be mitigated.  He then chose to consecrate the world to the Immaculate heart of Mary WITHOUT specifically naming Russia.  He obviously felt this was the best he could do.  He did finally see that all of future history needed to be seen in the FRAMEWORK of the message of Fatima.    

     He saw that he was the nominated Servant for the Design of Divine Providence to recall men to the values that derive only from belief, from religion and divine revelation.  He felt he had to warn his contemporaries of his convictions that human catastrophe on a world scale—according to his information was –IMPENDING.   

                                  He didn’t know the time but he felt it would
                                 come with a prior warning.  But only those
                                 that had already been renewed in heart---
                                and that that would probably be a minority 
                                ---would recognize it for what it was and
                            make preparations for the tribulation that would follow.

     It would start unexpectedly and be accompanied by overall confusion of minds and darkening of human understanding and will result in the shattering of any plans for a greater European space and mega market plans for the Pacific Rim.  A Catastrophic change would destroy any plans or designs men would establish regarding the NWO. 

      It would be the death and entombment of Leninist-Marxism and the liquidation of the struggle/battle waged against the Church of Christ. The other two contenders would be eliminated.  He also felt the endgame would start in Central & Eastern Europe.  

     ( I will talk about the emissary that Pope John Paul II sent to talk to Lucia later)

(from the book ‘The Keys of this Blood’ by Malachi Martin and To the Priest, Our Lady’s Beloved Sons- by Fr. Stephano Gobbi, The Permanent Instruction of Alta Vendita by John Vennari, The Life of Pope Leo ; by the Vatican library. ‘Witness, by Michael Brown and Josef Terelya and ‘In the Kingdom of the Spirit’ by Josef Terelya )

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