Saturday, March 3, 2012

The Journey


     I keep by my computer in a frame a fortune cookie paper that I received at Panda Express at dinner in Olympia, WA on the last night I was there. My husband and two kids had gone on to Montana and I was leaving at o-dark-30 with my dad and teen in my car.  I was eating alone that last night and was looking forward to that silly fortune cookie. I was also reminiscing about my 17 years in Olympia and how my life had changed, and how exciting the future looked; the good, bad and ugly of it all. I had a great deal of peace since I felt that this move was totally the will of God.  I opened my fortune cookie and laughed out loud so loud that I stood up from my bar stool and shot my fist up in the air and yelled, "YES!"  Knowing it was my last night in town gave me a total feeling of freedom to make a scene.  The fortune cookie said, "THERE IS EXCITEMENT TO BE FOUND WHEREVER YOU GO." I felt beyond a shadow of a doubt that God spoke to me through that fortune cookie. He was laughing with me and appreciated my amazement and thrill. I knew He was in control and that my life was a life of excitement and joy and amazement and that was due to the fact that I was open to knowing, loving and serving God.

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