"Pray for the gift of Peace. Peace is found in Jesus alone. Our Mother is speaking to all of her children--ALL. You have come because you are hungry and thirsty for God. Find rest in Him. Find safety and acceptance in our Lady. She is with us, how united are we with her? She says we are the 'living Church'. Breathing with both lungs, she wishes to renew the living Church by having us daily change to make a choice to grow in holiness. If you are strong, the Church will be strong, if you are weak, the Church will be weak. Continue to ask her, "Mother, are you satisfied with me?" Be a sign and a light for others. "That is why I am calling you, she says, pray in families. Make a chapel or altar where there is prayer--there is no living Church where there is no family. The family is bleeding. I am here to heal. Prayer is the divine cure for all wounds. Our Lady comes as Mother of the Church. The heart of man is where peace comes from. Consecrate your hearts! Do not speak about peace--live it! Speak less and do more! Do not speak about prayer--live it!" The world is not in an economic recession, it is in a spiritual recession. At every apparition I see behind our Lady the light of heaven. Heaven has people there, angels, music, flowers and its very hard to come back here. Life on Earth is no longer interesting. She asks for peace, conversion, prayer and penance and fasting, love, strong faith, forgiveness, the Eucharist, Scripture and hope. Are you living the things that we do have? The Bible, the Sacraments, prayer etc.? Our Lady is not calling us to the end of the world or the second coming of Christ. She says, "I am calling you to let the Holy Mass be the center of your life." Monthly confession, adoration, the rosary all need to be encouraged in our families. Forgive, love others and ourselves. This opens the path to the Holy Spirit, pray with your heart! With love and out of love have a conversation with Jesus. Let prayer be a joy to you. Our Lady says we should pray at least three hours a day and in this three hours it includes the Holy Mass, the rosary, adoration, holy conversations, good works, helping others and reading the bible. The school of prayer has no breaks or holidays! More =better = grace. The problem is love. Love = time. The world is in a spiritual coma. What we love, we make time for.
The message at the apparition on Sunday, at St. Brigid of Kildare Catholic Church St. Louis- 3/17/13 was this:
Our Lady came joyful and happy. She had tears in her eyes she was so full of love.
"Praised be Jesus my Children! She prayed over the priests, the seminarians, the religious sisters , the sick and all of the faithful present. My dear children, Today also in this time of grace I call you to pray and be co-creators of a beautiful world. This time is a time of responsibility. Allow the river of love to flow in your heart--pray for my intentions. Pray for my children who are far away from my Son. (She prayed over the petitions offered to her, and blessed the objects offered. She blessed the sick, the Archdiocese of St. Louis, the priests and prayed over everyone.) Go in peace my children."
The second night at Our Lady of Sorrows Catholic Church during her apparition she said,
"Praised be Jesus my dear Children! She prayed over the priests and seminarians in Aramaic. I recommended your needs and petitions and this parish. She especially prayed for vocations. She prayed over the sick and blessed all of us with her motherly blessing. Go in peace my dear children"
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